
Posted On : 02-Mar-2021
School News


“By education, I mean an all-round drawing of the best in the child and man in body, mind and spirit”. - Mahatma Gandhi

A Webinar for Parents & Teachers on NEP 2020 was conducted virtually for RKK on 25th February 2021 at 5:30 pm. Link of Webinar   
The New Education Policy 2020 aims at bringing transformational changes in the Indian education system with a global perspective.  Its main vision is to create an education system that contributes to an equitable and vibrant knowledge society, by providing high quality education for all. The resource person, Maitrayee Tosawad was welcomed by Mrs Seema Baxi, Dean Academics of Rajmata Krishna Kumari Girls’ Public School, Jodhpur.  

The session was attended by 250 parents and teachers. It was an excellent attempt to clarify all kinds of doubts regarding the understanding and implementation of the NEP 2020 lurking in the minds of the parents. The resource person started the webinar by notifying the gathering about the vision of the National Education Policy 2020.

The key proposals of NEP 2020 were discussed briefly. Various ways in which experiential and holistic learning can take place were touched upon. The revised curricular and pedagogical structure (5+3+3+4 structure) was explained to the parents in detail that increased flexibility will be observed in the curriculum and students will have a myriad choice of subjects. Progress cards will be detailed 360-degree holistic assessment of the learner. Vocational education will be started in middle school. The resource person said, “The 21st century skills - critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, communication (4Cs) are the four pillars of education.” Reforms in curriculum and assessment, major concerns of the parents, were clarified by Ms. Tosawad. It was also clarified that no language will be imposed on students and a more detailed language strategy will be released with NCF 2021. Core syllabus will be reduced and a lot of hands-on activities will be introduced. The resource person concluded the session by mentioning that enormous opportunities are in store for students in NEP 2020. It just requires a change in the mind-set of the parents. They were requested to support this transition as the schools and students adopt the new structure. It was indeed an enriching session in which all the fine points of NEP were covered by the resource person.
