
Posted On : 22-Dec-2021
School News


RKK School charted the success of ladder once again. On 17th December 2021, the ‘Education World’ Award Ceremony was held at the Leela Ambience, Gurgaon and it was a proud moment when RKK was manifested for being ranked as India's No. 4, Rajasthan's No. 1 & Jodhpur's No. 1 Girls’ Day School in India School Rankings 2021-22.  Another glorious moment of pride was when RKK was ranked India's No. 6, Rajasthan's No. 1 & Jodhpur's No. 1 in Grand Jury Award of 2021-22 for Social Impact of School in India. The results overwhelmed the school family. These awards were received by Mrs Sapna Gupta and Mrs Indra Shaktawat on behalf of the entire school family. Hard work of staff and students paid them this excellent end result. It is because RKK always strives towards an excellent result in all domains every year, where the holistic development of children is taken care by focusing on integrated development, native culture, nationalism and global citizenship. It is an excellent learning centre where providing quality education and offering ‘Schooling for Life’ is the goal.
