Report on a field trip to EOS Architecture
“Education is not the learning of facts but the training of the mind to think”
A field trip to EOS Architecture was organized for the students of class VII. Under the aegis of Round Square an outdoor activity at EOS studio was organized on 3 February, 2024 .The learning started with talk show in which the architect Soumya Grover enriched students about various techniques used in the sustainable building designs, various options in the field of architecture, the way these sustainable mud houses help in environment cleaning and purification of air around. Students were curious to know about the materials used in the mixture of mud and its percentage.
The talk show followed by the tour of mud house prepared by the studio was a mesmerizing one. Students were introduced to various types of stone available in Rajasthan and it’s important in building designs. Thereafter students indulged themselves in the fun frolic activity of cobing technique. They formed a group of students and under the guidance of the volunteers they cobbed the mixture of mud, straws, clay and prepared a base material used in the building and made themselves an art piece of their own creativity with the help of volunteers. Students came out of their comfort zones and involved in the making mixture to create their art piece. The students headed toward the last activity of donation to the Robin hood army Jodhpur. Students collected clothes, stationary items, bags etc.
“Learning beyond four walls is learning for life.”