
Posted On : 06-May-2023
Teachers Workshops


The team from Microsoft conducted a training session on Saturday, May 6th at RKKGPS, focusing on integrating Microsoft tools in education. The session covered immersive reader, Sway, collaboration through Word Online, and other tools.

The trainers showcased the features of immersive reader, such as text-to-speech and language translation, highlighting its benefits for students with learning difficulties. They introduced Sway as a digital storytelling tool for creating engaging presentations and interactive lessons.

The collaborative features of Word Online were emphasized, demonstrating real-time collaboration, document sharing, and feedback options for student collaboration and group projects. Other tools like OneNote, Forms, and Teams were briefly introduced.

The training involved interactive activities and addressed teachers' queries, leaving them enthusiastic about implementing the tools in their classrooms. The session was well-received, and the teachers gained confidence in utilizing the tools to enhance their teaching practices.

The school extends gratitude to the Microsoft team for their valuable contribution and appreciates the support in organizing this training session, which has positively contributed to the teachers' professional growth.
