
Posted On : 02-Mar-2021
Cocurricular - Round Square


A Round Square Postcard Call was conducted by Vidya Devi Jindal School, Hisar on 24 February 2021. Six students of RKKGPS participated with enthusiasm and presented their experience on the topic, ‘Be a rainbow in someone's cloud’. The students - Shruti Rathi, Sumriddhi Sharma, Kashish Goplani and Deeksha Garg, Prachi Kochar and Rani Patawari displayed some wonderful scenarios of their life when their small efforts brought big smiles on everybody's face. 

The Conference Call started with some emotional yet inspiring stories of students. Next, in the barazza groups allotted to the students, each student displayed a picture created by them and explained the story behind it. It was an inspiring  discussion on how small efforts can prove to be the biggest help in somebody's life. Example- Distributing Sanitary Napkins in rural areas, helping and being friends with deferentially able children etc. The biggest takeaway from these 90 minutes session was to follow the path of kindness to all and let us be the sunshine in the darkness of human lives.  
