
Posted On : 31-Jan-2024
School News


RKK organized a workshop on Traffic Rules and Road Safety, on 31st January which was led by Traffic Inspector Mr. Ramesh Khiriya. The workshop was an initiative as per the government protocols to celebrate the Road Safety Month. It aimed to enhance awareness and understanding of crucial traffic regulations, fostering a safer road environment for all among the school students. The session was attended by students of classes VIII, IX and XI.

Inspector Ramesh spoke about the following points:

1)     Speed Limits and Safety Measures: The workshop began with an in-depth discussion on speed limits on various road types and the correlation between speed and the severity of accidents. The session also covered safety measures like wearing seatbelts and helmets.

2)     Traffic Signal Awareness: Participants were educated about the significance of traffic signals and their role in managing intersections. Practical scenarios were presented to illustrate appropriate responses to different signals.

3)     Importance of Lane Discipline: The facilitator also emphasized the importance of adhering to designated lanes and avoiding overtaking from the wrong side. He discussed how proper lane discipline contributes to smoother traffic flow and reduces accidents.

4)     Drunk Driving Awareness: A critical segment focused on the dangers of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Legal consequences and alternatives such as designated drivers or public transportation were discussed.

5)     Underage Driving Awareness: The workshop addressed the issue of underage driving, emphasizing the legal consequences and potential dangers associated with it. Educational materials and real-life examples were presented to underscore the negative impact of allowing minors to operate vehicles. 

6)     Penalties for Traffic Violations: Inspector Ramesh provided a comprehensive overview of the penalties associated with various traffic violations, including fines, license suspension, and legal consequences. Special attention was given to the consequences of underage driving, outlining strict penalties for both the underage driver and the responsible guardian.

7)     Vehicle Insurance: The importance of vehicle insurance was discussed in the session as well.

8)     Good Samaritan Law: He also mentioned how due to the reel culture and also to avoid any police related formalities, people refrain from helping a person in need after an accident. Therefore, the good Samaritan law can help the citizens feel more safe and willing to help the injured.

9)     Interactive Q&A Session: Participants were encouraged to ask questions and share their experiences, creating an interactive platform for clarifying doubts and reinforcing key concepts.

The workshop concluded with a reminder of the shared responsibility for road safety and a pledge that every student took to be an active and aware citizen by prioritizing safety before fun. Inspector Mr. Ramesh expressed gratitude for the active participation by the students and the staff and urged attendees to apply the knowledge gained, contributing to a safer community.
