
Posted On : 02-Apr-2024
Teachers Workshops


The school counselor conducted an interactive workshop on 2.4.2024 on "Art of Connection" with the goal of building stronger relationships amongst the teachers and students. In order to improve connectivity between students and teachers the workshop focused on investigating various facets of interpersonal interactions, communication techniques, and emotional intelligence.

It aimed to create awareness of the role that connectedness plays in creating a positive learning environment through Playfulness Quotient (PQ) in schools.  Doable tactics for voice modulation, enhancing dialogue and fostering wholesome connections were shared.

An introduction to the idea of connectedness and its importance in fostering student achievement in the classroom and overall well-being preceded the workshop. The school counselor stressed how important it is to have supportive relationships in order to foster a feeling of community and belongingness in the classroom where every child feels special.  The importance of promoting values like- cooperation, togetherness, kindness and discipline through regular assemblies was also discussed.

Various interpersonal circumstances, role-playing exercises and real-life scenarios were employed for the same. This gave participants the opportunity to practise active listening, empathy, and conflict resolution strategies.

The programme also covered the significance of compathy, emotional control and self-awareness in developing deep relationships with others. In order to handle stress, build resilience, and develop a positive outlook, participants were urged to consider their own feelings and actions.

The counsellor discussed four types of recognitions that a teacher can use during in class in order to help a child feel special and heard. The teachers were also encouraged to share their best practices with each other to feel empowered and employ creative methodologies.

“When care is shown, connection prevails and when connection prevails, positive change happens”.

