
Posted On : 02-Jul-2024
Cocurricular - Round Square


The History Lab Session on 30th May 2024 focused on the Cold War which was about the geopolitical tension between the Soviet Union and the United States from 1945 to 1991. The period was marked by ideological conflicts, nuclear arms races, and numerous proxy wars. RKK’s participants were Shrestha, Piya Salecha, Manvi Kataria, Eshal Bindra, Chaheti Rathi, Ananya Vikram Singh under the able guidance of Ms Sanjana Chouhan.

We learned the perspective of students from diverse backgrounds who shared how the Cold War influenced their regions, enriching the discussion with global perspectives. Key events that were discussed included the Iron Curtain speech (1946), Berlin Blockade and Airlift (1948- 1949), Cuban Missile Crisis (1962), Space Race culminating in the 1969 Moon Landing, Vietnam War (1955-1975), and the fall of the Berlin Wall (1989).

We understood the deeper complexities of the Cold Wars and its lasting impact on global politics. Participants left with an appreciation for the importance of diplomacy, the dangers of ideological extremism, and the value of international cooperation. This amazing opportunity ensured students to learn new things on a more diverse scale.
