
Posted On : 07-May-2024
Cocurricular - Round Square


The April 3rd RS Zoom Postcard, hosted by Singapore International School in India, explored the theme, "Spectrums of Isolation" in an engaging way. Students from RKK, including Achal Roop Kaur, Hasmita Jain, Priyal Jain, Tamanna Bano, Prathna Sancheti, Drishti Dwivedi along with Student Leader Prachi Jain zealously participated.

They actively involved in interactive sessions led by the host and added their valuable opinions to group discussions throughout the event, offering their individual perspectives and experiences with isolation.

The event's goal was to foster empathy, resilience and solidarity among participants in the face of the difficulties and isolation by involving them in thoughtful conversations and creative activities.

The key objective of the RS Zoom Postcard Call was to advance a deeper understanding of the many forms of isolation that people experience in various contexts.

In conclusion, the "Spectrums of Isolation" was a significant achievement for all participants, providing them with useful information, instruments of assistance and resources to help them deal with the difficulties of isolation and grow resilient in the face of adversity.

