
Posted On : 04-May-2024
Cocurricular - InterHouse


The English Department of RKKGPS hosted an Inter-House English Living News Paper Competition on 4th May, 2024 for classes XI and XII. Each House was represented by four performers engaged in various roles.

The first two performers creatively rewrote newspaper stories, maintaining original details but adding intrigue and entertainment. The third performer delivered an imaginative weather report. The fourth performer composed and performed a song on a current event from March. Participants utilized props, costumes, and music effectively to amplify their performances, creating a visually engaging experience for the audience.

The judges of the competition were, Dr Shyamali Ghosh, who is a faculty with the Department of Accounting, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies in Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur, and Mr. Abhishek Trivedi the Centre Director of JD Institute, Jodhpur. The participants were judged on the following criteria:                                      content, language, relevance, confidence and overall presentation

The "Bulletin Blitz" competition was a resounding success, highlighting the talent and creativity of the students. Through their performances, they demonstrated the power of journalism and the importance of engaging presentation skills. The participants' dedication, creativity, and attention to detail were evident in every aspect of their performances, making the "Bulletin Blitz" competition a truly memorable and captivating event.

Following were the winners:

I Best Reporter:  Naisha Jain

II Best Reporter: Dhruvi Mehta

I Best Weather Reporter: Avni Jain

II Best Weather Reporter: Samrudhi Bang

I Best Singer: Unnati Shekhawat, Samradhi Charan

II Best Singer: Srishti Jain


The House that bagged the trophy was Sri Shakti House.
