
Posted On : 25-Aug-2023
Cocurricular - AFS


As Frederic Lenz has rightly said, “Selfless giving is the art of living”.

Happiness comes from helping others, by being with others, and by sharing, even if it's only a smile. Be like the sun that fell in love with the moon and shared all his light.  An event where you can dare to make a noble impact with your noble substance, where you can dare to cause a change that will forever be remembered and where you can dare to be the real reason for the relief of somebody. The real foundation of love lies in being shared instead of keeping everything to you. Like seeds waiting to sprout, ideas need the nourishment of sharing to grow into something magnificent. Only then can they bear the fruits of inspiration and ignite the flame of creativity in others. The event gave a wonderful opportunity to the students to express and participate in the “Joy of Sharing…..Let Happiness Spread” and emerge today triumphant as a capable and sensitive global citizen. The event was organised, conducted and executed by Miss Amba Singh Jhabua, the AFS Incharge, under the able guidance of Mrs Sapna Gupta, the AFS Coordinator of RKKGPS, Jodhpur along with the help of following RKKians –

  • Prachi Jain X B
  • Piya Salecha X B
  • Pari Salecha X A
  • Priyal Jain IX B
  • Adwitiya Saxena IX B

The ‘Result Declaration Ceremony’ of the event was held on the 19th August, Saturday, 2023.

The judges of the event were Mrs. Indra Shaktawat and Mrs. Shikha Tomar, both of them have been committed instructors in the field of community service and share a strong love for helping others. According to the judges, all of them are winners, but following three schools did outstanding work :

  1. Sarala Birla Gyan Jyoti, Guwahati
  2. Mount Litera Zee School, Roorkee
  3. Delhi Public School, Kolar Road, Bhopal

A total number of 55 schools displayed their enthusiastic participation wherein 251 students were participation holders and 15 students were merit holders. In the countless , we saw a total of 266 students spent volunteering whether it be feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless or lending a helping hand to the elderly, they have not only spent their time and resources but something far more precious – their love and compassion. Through community service, the students have not only transformed the lives of others but also their own. They have learnt the true meaning of humility and the power of empathy. They have discovered the joy of giving without expecting anything in return, and in doing so, they have become better versions of themselves. However, the journey doesn’t end here for the young minds. There are still countless souls yearning for a helping hand, hearts waiting to be touched, and dreams waiting to be nurtured. It is our duty, as compassionate beings, to continue this noble endeavour and inspire others to join us in this transformative mission.   

In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others”.

