
Posted On : 29-Nov-2022
Cocurricular - InterSchool


"Life presents many choices, the choices we make determine our  future”.

A team of learners from RKK- Khwahish Parihar,  Kaveri Rathore, Tanishka Modi, Jinal Manihar, Pari Salecha, Piya Salecha, Satakshi Sati, Shreya Maloo and Anvi Mehta with their Teacher Incharge Ms Subhita Jakhar had a hand in the Logo Making Competition on the theme ‘RIGHT TO LIFE, RIGHT TO CHOICE’ hosted by SAI International School held on 19th November 2022. This competition gave to all the participants an opportunity to expand the horizons of their wisdom.

A Zoom meeting took place from 2:30 pm  to 6 pm in the evening. The Keynote Speaker for the Opening Session - Ireen Chikatula, talked about Abortion and Awareness. After that the delegates were divided into different brazza groups for further discussion and shared their thoughts on the given topic, followed by the Closing Ceremony where the results were to be announced. It is heartening to share that RKK won Prizes in all the three categories. Class VIII and IX secured Second Position, Class X secured First Position in the Most Popular Logo Category.
