
Posted On : 20-Sep-2021
Cocurricular - Primary/Pre-Primary


Monsoon Bonanza
Monsoon season was welcomed with a splash by the tiny tots of the Pre Primary, from the 13th to the 20th of September, 2021. They celebrated 'Monsoon Bonanza', with various activities related to the theme.
They learnt about rainy season apparel, the colours of the rainbow, monsoon creatures, sea animals and were taught a simplified version of the water cycle.
The children also indulged in fun art and craft activities involving a paper folded whale, hand printed crab, jellyfish made with paper plates and streamers etc.
The last day of this bonanza was celebrated spectacularly with a blue colour theme. The little munchkins came dressed in blue, along with their raincoats and umbrellas, sung monsoon themed songs, and recited rainy day rhymes. It was a successful endeavour celebrated with thorough enthusiasm.
