
Posted On : 04-Mar-2024
SchoolTrips - Local


The Kindergarten outing to OTC on March 4th was a delightful mix of enjoyment and education. Right from the bus ride, the children felt a sense of togetherness, taking their first steps towards independence without their parents.

The jungle gym added fun while also helping with balance and coordination, boosting motivation as the kids watched each other and conquered fears. They were sensitized about the environment.

Choosing rides became a lesson in decision-making, enhancing their cognitive skills. Simple activities like running, jumping, and holding hands played a big role in developing both gross and fine motor skills.

The magic show sparked wonder, and the shared meal was a highlight, thoroughly enjoyed by all. In essence, the OTC picnic wasn't just about fun—it was a day of learning, independence, and shared experiences for our Kindergarten students.
