
Posted On : 24-Nov-2023
Cocurricular - Round Square


Team RKK comprising Student Adult Incharge, Saanvi Agarwal and six participants Aadya Deedwania, Myra Basu, Naisha Aniruddha, Saanvi Jain, Siyona Mehta and Vaanya Mehta, under the guidance of Ma’am Sapna Gupta participated in RS Postcard Call organized by Sunbeam Suncity (School and Hostel), Varanasi on 1st November 2023. The first meeting was conducted on 21st October where the student incharge enlightened the team about RS Postcard Call and solved their queries. They confabulated and deliberated on the topic “Past Echoes Rediscovering Our Roots.” Everyone was earmarked a task to research and create a document, thereby expressing her views on the given topic and had to describe any two objects. The next meeting was held on 25th October in which they were told to prepare individual post cards, including family tree and a speech. On 28th October, their third meeting was conducted, in which the student incharge discussed the further changes to be made in the postcards. Everyone recited their articulations describing their postcards meticulously. The last meeting took place on 30th October, where the rules and regulations to be followed in the main meeting were discussed and their queries regarding the main meeting were solved. On first November, the main Postcard Call took place. Sunbeam Suncity (School and Hostel), Varanasi, India welcomed RKKians. After a pleasant welcome and a kind courtesy, there was a speech by Pratima Ma’am on the reason of choosing this topic. After that, there was a speech on family legacies by Ragini Maharaj Ma’am who also talked about her Kathak journey. Thereafter, delegates were sundered into breakout rooms. Where they played an icebreaker game on their future bucket list, in which, each one had to tell any two wishes of their choice which they want to complete in their life. Then, every participant presented her / his family tree and postcard, delivered their articulation and showed the objects they chose. Lastly, the host of every breakout room thanked the members and everyone was connected to the main meeting again, where they were asked about their experience in the breakout room. At last, all postcards were presented on the screen in a telegenic manner. Finally, the host expressed their gratitude towards all for participating and making the call a success. 
