
Posted On : 05-Aug-2023
Students Workshops


An online workshop on 'Cyber Safety and Security' was organized for parents of students of Classes 1 and 2. The session aimed to enlighten the parents about the importance of ensuring their young children's safety in the digital world. The workshop was conducted by Ms. Nupur Goyal.

The online workshop on 'Cyber Safety and Security' was highly informative and engaging. Parents gained valuable insights into the potential risks faced by their young children online and learned effective strategies to ensure their digital safety. The session concluded with a reminder that a combination of education, communication, and technology can contribute to a safer online experience for children.

The workshop included an interactive segment where parents had the opportunity to ask questions and seek clarifications on various aspects of cyber safety. Ms. Goyal responded to each query, providing practical solutions and insights.

Feedback from the parents was positive, with many expressing gratitude for the informative session.

