
Posted On : 09-Jul-2023
Cocurricular - Round Square


Team RKK comprising Student Adult Incharge - Adwitiya Saxena and six participants, Lavanya Singh Deora, Saanvi Agarwal, Saanvi Jain, Priyal Jain, Vaanya Mehta and Vanishree, under the guidance and mentorship of Maám Sapna Gupta participated in the RS Postcard Call organized by UWCSEA, Singapore. The topic shared with us was unique and very interesting -“INVISIBLE WORLDS”. Our first meeting was conducted on 2nd June where the student incharge enlightened us about RS Postcard Calls and solved our queries. We discussed and deliberated about the topic “Invisible Worlds”. We were allocated a task to create a document thereby expressing our views on the given topic. Thereafter, all the team members carried out the research and shared their views with the team. The next meeting was held on 5th June, wherein each other’s views were discussed and with mutual consent “Transgender” was decided as the main topic. During the next meeting, on 8th June final changes were made in the Postcard and the task of preparing a speech was given to each individual. On 11th June, the next meeting was held, where everybody recited their speech. Last meeting took place on 13th June wherein a mock barraza session run was conducted. A group discussion was held to prepare for the main Postcard Call. On 14th June the Main Postcard Call took place. UWCSEA SINGAPORE invited us and presented a document which shared with us the benefits of hobbies. They talked about power of music and effect of hobbies on our health, mind and lifestyle. Then we were separated into different Breakout Rooms. We introduced ourselves and answered several questions like - What are Hobbies?, Define Hobbies?, Impact of Hobbies?, Requirement of Hobbies etc. We exchanged our views amongst each other and learned about ‘Hobbies’. Then we returned to the main meeting and there we played a game called KAHOOT related to hobbies. Thereafter, few Postcards were presented. Finally, the host expressed the gratitude towards all for participating and making the call a success.
