
Posted On : 10-Feb-2024
SchoolTrips - Local


Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach us more than we can ever learn from books. RKK believes that adventurous experiences out-of-doors kindle the enthusiasm and provide the means of self-discovery, self-expression and enjoyment.
On Saturday, 10th February, grade 9 students of RKK set their foot on one such adventurous and environmental ride to the Mehrangarh Water Conservation Centre namely the Rani Sagar and the Padam Sagar.
The objective of our field trip was to gain insights into water conservation practices and initiatives undertaken during several years earlier. Through this visit, we aimed to understand the importance of water conservation and learn about sustainable water management strategies.
We were taken on a guided tour along with interactive demonstrations and descriptions to illustrate the importance of water conservation. We learned about the impact of water scarcity on the environment and communities, as well as the measures individuals can take to reduce water consumption in their daily lives.
We were first enlightened with knowledge about the architectural and scientific beauty of the terrain which led to the formation of water bodies. The historic significance of the water bodies left the students awe – struck. The hill on which Mehrangarh is built, due to its rocky terrain and the natural gradient allows water to naturally flow from one catchment to another, thus allowing water to reach different water bodies and locations connected throughout the city.
Rani Sagar is a prominent water reservoir and is an integral part of the city's water supply infrastructure and plays a crucial role in meeting the water needs of Jodhpur and its surrounding areas. We gained knowledge about the history of Rani Sagar which dates back to the 17th century when the reservoir was built to address the water scarcity challenges faced by the residents of Jodhpur and to ensure a reliable water supply for irrigation and domestic use.
Over the centuries, Rani Sagar has played a vital role in sustaining agriculture, supporting livelihoods, and catering to the needs of the local populace. Its historical significance, coupled with its functional importance, has made it a symbol of resilience and resourcefulness in the region. Rani Sagar stands as a testament to the ingenuity and resilience of the people of Jodhpur in harnessing natural resources to overcome environmental challenges.
The field trip to the Water Conservation Body was both educational and inspiring. It provided us with valuable insights into the importance of water conservation and equipped us with practical knowledge and skills to become responsible stewards of our planet's precious water resources. We are grateful to our teachers for giving us this opportunity.
