
Posted On : 08-Sep-2021
Cocurricular - AFS


On 30th August 2021, a dialogue on the topic “Transgender : The Neglected Community” was attended by the following AFS Educator Volunteers :- Ms Neetu Kheechee, Ms Aashna Jain, Ms Sandra Hill, Ms Vani Jangid, Ms Namrata Mehta and Ms Rudrani Rathore (Ex-Student Volunteer).

A panel of Keynote Speakers - very well educated and knowledgeable people spoke about the transgender community and how and why they are treated differently.

Sister Lavina D'Souza explained how people generally tend to judge and form biased opinions about anything that is different from whatever they do and how this error in judgement is passed on from generation to generation due to lack of proper education. Ashish, a transgender youth told his story, how gender roles come into play right from the moment we are born. The discussion - intriguing and thought provoking made the audience realise how crucial it is - to educate oneself about transgender and gender nonconforming people, to look at every person as a human and discard labels and most of all, never ever to judge anything different from myself or different from the things I consider "normal". No matter what opinion anyone has, it is never too late to unlearn and relearn.
